Home CS224W--Node Embedding

CS224W--Node Embedding


  1. Node embeddings (lecture 3.1)
  2. Random walk for node embeddings (lecture 3.2)
  3. Embed entire graph (lecture 3.3)

1. Node embedding

Instead of traditional feature engineering, vector embedding of nodes can be beneficial in

  • measure the similarity between nodes
  • encode network information
  • potential use for many downstream predictions



  • V is the vertex set
  • A is the adjacency matrix
  • graph $G : { V, A }$
  • encoder: map nodes to embeddings, $ENC(v) = z_v$
  • similarity function $f$, e.g., $f(u,v) \approx z_v^T z_u$
  • decoder: decode embeddings to the similarity score

2. Random walk

Random walk: given a graph and a starting point, select a neighbor of it at random and move to the selected neighbor, and repeat it again and again.

Random walk embeddings: 1) estimate the probability of visiting node v on a random walk starting from node u using some random walk strategy R, 2) optimize embeddings to encode these random walk statistics.

random walk optimization: $Loss = \sum_{u \in V} \sum_{v \in N_R(u)} - log(P(v|z_u))$, where $P(v|z_u) = \frac{exp(z_u^T z_v)}{\sum_{n \in V} exp(z_u^T z_n)}$, use softmax because we want node v to be most similar to node u out of all nodes n.

negative sampling: to reduce computational complexity, only sample a subset of all the nodes: \(log(P(v|z_u)) = log(\frac{exp(z_u^T z_v)}{\sum_{n \in V} exp(z_u^T z_n)}) \approx log(\sigma(z_u^T z_v)) - \sum_{i=1}^k log(\sigma(z_u^T z_{n_i}))\), where $n_i \in P_V$, $P_V$ is random distribution other than uniform distribution.


Desktop View node2vec

two strategies to define a neighborhood: global: depth first search; local: breadth first search.

3. Embed entire graph

simple approach

sum of the embeddings

virtual node

sub-graph as a virtual node

hierarchical embeddings

Desktop View hierarchical embeddings

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