
Weijia Cai 蔡伟嘉

Ph.D. Student
Columbia University
cai.weijia (at) columbia.edu

Short Bio

I am a Ph.D. student affiliated to ICON@Columbia, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Zhengbo Zou. From 2021 to 2024, I studied as a PhD student at University of British Columbia. I earned my Master’s degree at Carnegie Mellon University, where I was lucky to be advised by Prof. Pingbo Tang.

My motivation for research originates from Hayao Miyazaki’s movies, through which I learned to appreciate the beauty of perceiving, preserving, and reconstructing the world’s dynamics through art. I am fortunate enough to embrace the rise of AI and robotics during my PhD. With these advances, my robots with spatial perception and reasoning, are able to interact with the environments and describe the world dynamics.


I am always interested in mentoring highly motivated undergraduate and master’s students in CE/ME/CS/EE. If you’re at Columbia and would like to discuss project ideas or research opportunities, don’t hesitate to send me an email!

Research Interests


Selected Projects

  1. 4611E
    Weijia Cai
    Robot Studio (4611E), 2024.

  2. CoRL
    Lei Huang, Weijia Cai, Zihan Zhu, Chen Feng, Helge Rhodin, Zhengbo Zou* (*Corresponding author)
    The 8th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2024.

  3. BuildSys
    Weijia Cai, Lei Huang, Zhengbo Zou* (*Corresponding author)
    Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), 2023.

  4. AutoCon
    Lei Huang, Weijia Cai, Zihan Zhu, Zhengbo Zou* (*Corresponding author)
    Automation in Construction, 2023.

  5. AutoCon
    Weijia Cai, Lei Huang, Zhengbo Zou* (*Corresponding author)
    Automation in Construction, 2023.

  6. BuildSys
    Weijia Cai, Le Zhang, Lei Huang, Xinran (Celia) Yu, Zhengbo Zou* (*Corresponding author)
    Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), 2022.

  7. ICRA workshop
    Weijia Cai, Lei Huang, Zhengbo Zou* (*Corresponding author)
    IEEE ICRA 2022 Workshop on Future of Construction, Build Faster, Better, Safe – Together with Robotics. (ICRA), 2022.


Conference Reviewers


Course tutorial


Address: 500 W 120th St, New York, NY 10027, United States
Email: cai.weijia@columbia.edu